I’m honored to have North Face Founder Hap Klopp on today’s episode of Firebuilders LIVE!
He is going to teach you this → How to stay true to your ideals as a human being, as a brand, and as a company culture.
Founder and former President/CEO of “The North Face,” Hap Klopp exemplifies the adventurous leader.
After selling the highly successful mountaineering company, honored with numerous awards for being the best managed and most environmentally responsible company in its industry, he began an international management consulting firm HK Consulting operating out of Berkeley, CA and Tokyo, Japan.
Continuing the quest to pass on his field-tested knowledge to the rest of the world, Hap has written two highly acclaimed books: “Conquering The North Face, an Adventure in Leadership” and, “ALMOST—12 electric months chasing the Silicon Valley dream.”
Watch The Episode
You don’t build one of the strongest global brands in the sport and apparel business without a clear understanding of who you are as a company. Your ‘DNA’ is not simply the ‘stuff’ that makes your business unique but also serves as the bedrock of identity in the face of constant change, marketplace innovation, and competitive disruption. Finding that DNA is EXACTLY what Hap is going to talk to us about today.
Business is an adventure. Whether you’re looking to break away from the pack and disrupt an industry, set the standard for quality, or simply focus on your bottom line, the twists and turns encountered in business are not unlike the challenges of the outdoors. Hap will show you how a true pioneer did it in the past and can do it in the future.
Last updated July 22, 2021 by Josh Koerpel